We rely on donations to provide our programs and services. Thank you for your support.
Current Fundraising
Donate a Clunker!
You can turn your vehicle donation into generous dollars to support Comox Valley Hospice Society and get a tax receipt! Working on our behalf, Donate a Car Canada will accept most vehicles for donation -- running, or not! Old or new!
Tru Earth Product Commission
Did you know that by using the affiliate link below you can order your favourite TruEarth products AND support the Comox Valley Hospice Society?
Drive Thru Bottle Drive April 5
The Comox Valley Cyclepaths will turn your returnables into local hospice support! Drop off between 9-1:30 at the Canadian Tire parking lot, and 9-3pm at the Return-It Centre. Need your bottles/cans picked up? Give us a call!
2025 Plant Fundraiser - Order by April 15th
This year offers some new varieties and donation tiers for the plant fundraiser, from 1 gal Blueberry plants $12 each, Mixed Herb Planters for $18, 12” potted caged tomato planters $18, and 10” mixed flower hanging baskets suitable for sun/sun shade for $25. Orders must be placed before April 15th. We’re hoping delivery will be prior to Mother’s Day for gift giving.
Soothed and Supported June 5th
Join hospice volunteers for an evening of soothing & supportive practices. In this peaceful environment we will slowly and gently explore guided yoga nidra meditation and healing gong vibrations designed to replenish and restore you. This event is by donation, funds raised will go to support the Comox Valley Hospice Society. Call 250-871-0696 (press 1) to register or email reception@comoxhospice.com.
Our Thanks!
Swing Into Spring Dance
Our thanks to the Comox Valley Stomp and the Strathcona Big Band for hosting this energizing fundraising event.
Holiday Florals
Our thanks to volunteer Darcy S. for creating beautiful holiday arrangements on our behalf and raising $1000!
Soothed and Supported
We are feeling the love! Thank you for supporting us!
Mocktails & Magic
Thank you to everyone who supported our Mocktails & Magic event in November as prize and cash sponsors, as well as those who came to bid on the auction items.
Comox Valley Cyclepaths
Congratulations to the Comox Valley Cyclepaths team for raising an incredible 54,264 for CVHS at the Cycle of Life Tour. Year after year, we continue to be amazed by the team’s dedication and enthusiasm.
Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who came down to Comox Nautical Day for breakfast! We had a blast flipping pancakes. 🤗 💕
More than 900 breakfasts
More than 1600 pancakes
More than 1000 sausage patties
More than 900 cups of coffee
24 amazing volunteers