Palliative Care Support
Receiving news about a change in health can be frightening and raise many questions.
One’s ability to read and process information can be affected and our hospice team is here to lend help and guidance whatever your needs may be. We support people at home, in care facilities, in hospital and in our community hospice.
A plan can be developed to assist you now and in the future and will include hearing what matters most to you and how you wish to be supported. Your needs may change over time and our team is here to be responsive to your wishes. It is our commitment to help make every moment matter for you and your loved ones as health care needs change. A referral form can be requested here.
Please note that referrals to the Aitken Community Hospice require a physician’s referral. Access to hospice beds are not determined or approved by the Comox Valley Hospice Society.
The hospice is a separate entity, owned and operated by Golden Life, as contracted with the Island Health Authority.
The services provided by the Comox Valley Hospice Society complement the hospice by providing emotional and spiritual support through staff and volunteers. To access CVHS support, please fill out the request for palliative support form below, and email it to reception@comoxhospice.com or send by fax to (778) 716-7771.
Access to home equipment such as wheelchairs and hospital beds can be arranged through the Red Cross Cupboard.
Visiting Programs for Emotional Support
Comox Valley Hospice Society delivers palliative direct care volunteer visiting programs at Comox Valley Hospital, Aitken Community Hospice, in care facilities, and in private homes. This support is offered in-person (as public health protocols allow), over the telephone, or online.
Aitken Community Hospice
The Aitken Community Hospice provides a home-like setting for hospice patients nearing the end of life. The hospice has 6 individual suites and is owned and operated by Golden Life, as contracted by Island Health. The Comox Valley Hospice Society supplements this care with psychosocial/emotional support programs provided through our staff and volunteers. A referral from a patient’s physician is required for placement in hospice.
Advance Care Planning
Prevent difficult conversations between family members and healthcare providers by having Advance Care Planning conversations before a medical crisis occurs. Our trained volunteers offer one-to-one advance care planning with palliative clients upon request.
Volunteer Companioning - Dignity at Death
Our counsellors and volunteers are trained to help the dying live life to the fullest during the final stage of life. Our goal is to promote dignity for the dying, and to ensure they are as comfortable as possible and able to participate fully in decisions that affect them. Companioning is available in the Aitken Community hospice, at Comox Valley Hospital, local care facilities, or at home.
Self Care Programs
Based on volunteer availability, 1:1 healing touch and reiki treatments are available to palliative clients upon request. Reiki/healing touch appointments at the CVHS office can be booked by calling 250-871-0696 (press 1) or email reception@comoxhospice.com.