Grief & Palliative Resources

On-Line Grief Resources

You’ll find verified therapists here:

Community Mental Health

  • Community Mental Health  1-250-331-8524  request to speak to an intake worker

  • Child and Youth Mental Health 250-334-5820

Mom’s Stop the Harm - Peer to Peer Volunteer Support group for those affected by toxic drug overdose. Email facilitators at for more information.

Nature Walks Program

The CVHS Nature Walks Program is a self-care program designed to connect people who are journeying through loss, illness, or caregiver fatigue, with the healing powers and beauty of nature. Using the link below, you can take part in a self-led nature walk at your own pace, using the themed questions provided for personal reflection, and allow nature to be a therapeutic environment in which wellness can occur. By focusing on the present moment and experiencing the sights and sounds of nature, many find that a sense of wellbeing and calm reduces feelings of sadness, hopelessness, fear, anxiety and loneliness.

Along the guided nature walk will be rest or reflection points that have been chosen as places to pause and reflect related to a specific theme. Please dress appropriately for the weather and bring along a journal, a pen, some water, and a cell phone (if you have one).

Puntledge Park – Sensory Walk
Puntledge Park – Transitions Walk
Any location – Trust Theme
Any Location – Cycles of Life Theme
Courtenay Exhibition Grounds – Journey Theme
Courtenay Exhibition Grounds – Aliveness Theme