Grief 101
A free and ongoing 3 module informational series to support community literacy around grief and loss
Grief 101 is a 3 module information series facilitated by CVHS Volunteers exploring the grief journey. The series is free and open to the general public starting March 4th, and ongoing throughout 2025.
Registration is required as space is limited. You can attend one or all of the sessions, and the series will be repeated throughout the year. Please note that Grief 101 is intended to be informational and is not a grief support group.
In Module 1: We will explore types of losses, and the potential physical, emotional, and psychological impacts of grief.
In Module 2: We will discuss the transitions in the grief journey.
In Module 3: We will explore what it means to be a Grief Ally with ways to companion and support someone who is grieving.
To request a private presentation to your organization or group, please contact Christine at
What to expect: This will be a table discussion for 8-10 people per session. CVHS volunteers will present information verbally and on screen with a short break. Light refreshments will be available, as well as a time for questions to follow.