Myrna Holman – President

As I start my third year on the Board of Directors and assume the role of President, I continue to be impressed and at times awed at the accomplishments of the Comox Valley Hospice Society (CVHS).  Throughout my adult life I have always been a volunteer, and I have served on several Boards, however, this Board and this organization is special. Being able to support the purpose of the CVHS as a Board member is a truly exceptional experience complete with Board meetings, events, committee meetings and becoming more intimately aware of how we impact the lives of people in the Valley.

My first introduction to hospice was as a visiting volunteer and co-facilitator of grief support groups with Crossroads Hospice in Port Moody, BC.

As a retiree, I feel like every day is a school holiday.  It’s a fantastic life experience.  In my spare time I’ve learned to play with glass.  I have a kiln for fused glass and I also really enjoy doing glass mosaics.  My son is all grown up, and I am so fortunate that he lives nearby.

Prior to retiring, I was a Vice-President in healthcare in Ontario, responsible for Human Resources and many other things I’ve delightfully forgotten.  The retired brain opens up and is available for so much more.  Giving my time as a volunteer to Hospice is a truly wonderful thing.