“Easing the journey of dying and grieving.”

We respectfully acknowledge that the land we gather on is on the unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land.

Jump to Services
Palliative Services
Caregiver Services
Grief Services

Drive Thru Bottle Drive on April 5th at Canadian Tire 9-1:30pm and at Return It from 9 -3pm.


Drive Thru Bottle Drive on April 5th at Canadian Tire 9-1:30pm and at Return It from 9 -3pm. 〰️

Fall/Winter Program Calendar

The Mourning Coffee Café

Wednesday mornings 10am-12pm
Participant-led discussion and gentle socializing for those who have experienced a loss.
Call 250-871-0696 or register online.

Gentle Walks/Grieving Hearts Thursday Walking Group
A weekly 45 minute walk at the Courtenay Airpark with others experiencing loss with coffee and conversation to follow.
Call (250) 871-0696.

Free Spirit Café (Monthly)

First Wednesdays monthly, next is April 2nd at the Comox Valley Hospice Society family room at Ocean Front Village 6:30-8:00. Participant-led discussion about spirituality.

Care for Caregivers
Recharge, connect, and learn from others who are in a caregiving role Tuesday afternoons at lower Comox United Church 3-4:30pm. Call 250-871-0696, email reception@comoxhospice.com or register online.

Death Café
Participant-led discussion about death and dying over coffee/tea and baking. 3rd Wednesday monthly 6:30-8:30pm. No registration needed.

Self Care Clinic
Offered Wednesday afternoons between 1pm -2:30pm. Reiki/healing touch offered by appointment only in the CVHS Family Room.

At Hospice we believe that living with an illness, dying, caregiving and grieving are normal parts of life.

We also believe that living life to the fullest is important for each of us. Our hope is that when an illness occurs or people are dying in our community they will experience dignity and peace; their caregivers will receive the help they need; and they, and their families and friends, will be supported in their grief.


We remain committed to supporting each person in the care that matters most to them. To us, hospice is a philosophy of care that takes place in people’s homes, in care facilities, in the community hospice and in hospital.

The Comox Valley Hospice Society provides education, care and support when you are healthy, when your care needs change and when a death occurs.

Contact our office at: 250-871-0696 or email: reception@comoxhospice.com for further information or assistance.

Aitken Community Hospice
at Ocean Front Village

Take an online Tour of Aitken Community Hospice (ACH) at Ocean Front Village.
Note: All referrals to ACH must come through a physician. For admission information, please contact Island Health Community Health Services at 250-331-8522.

Ways CVHS Can Help

When You’re Healthy

Prevent difficult conversations for family members and healthcare providers in the future by having Advance Care Planning conversations before an illness occurs.

When You Have a Life Limiting Illness

When you have a life limiting illness or are nearing the end of life, it can be comforting to have the emotional support of those who have helped others navigate such challenging transitions.

When You’re Caring For a Loved One

Being the primary caregiver for a loved one who is dying is a challenging time. Changes to daily routines, work schedules and priorities as an illness progresses can make it difficult to find time to care for yourself.

When You’re Grieving

Although death is a normal part of living, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. We provide compassionate emotional support that encourages the expression of grief and a personal path to healing.

Lending Library & Resources

The CVHS Lending Library has a wide range of age appropriate titles to offer on end-of-life topics including preparing for death, caring for a loved one who is dying, or navigating through grief.

Aitken Community Hospice

Our community hospice offers personalized care in a home like setting for people whose care needs may no longer be met at home, or, for those preferring residential hospice care.

Note: All referrals to ACH must come through a physician. For further admission information, please contact Island Health Community Health Services at 250-331-8522.

For a virtual tour of the Aitken Community Hospice click here.

Ways You Can Help

Your donation has a direct impact on families in the Comox Valley who are dying, caring for a loved one at the end of life, or grieving a death.

Stay Connected

70% of our operating budget depends on private donations from donors like you.


We’d love to keep in touch, to keep you informed about end of life care in the Comox Valley and fundraising opportunities.

Thank you to all of our individual and community service groups donors and supporters of fundraisers who keep our programs and services thriving. Since 1983, you have been the heart of hospice.

We are grateful to be able to offer public wellness programs and our various support groups through 2025 grant funding provided by: